Lieut Juanita Coetzer, communications officer for the Boksburg North SAPS, says that there is a growing trend of drivers leaving valuable possessions in the car, and more especially, where they are visible to criminals.
Coetzer believes that people become victims of this crime because at times one will leave laptops, cellphones, iPods, cameras and other valuables on the back seats, instead of locking them away in the boot.
She also advises that drivers ensure that their doors are locked properly before walking away from their vehicles.
“Unsuspecting drivers will press their remote controls as they walk away from their vehicles, not knowing that there is a device criminals use to make it seem as though the car is locked while it isn’t.
“Criminals are becoming smarter, using certain devices to overrule a person’s vehicle remote, ensuring that the vehicle is left unlocked,” says Coetzee.
Drivers are also warned to ensure that windows are closed properly, despite the presence of carguards.
“The most important thing is that people do not leave their valuables on the car seats, under the seats or anywhere where they are visible,” says Coetzee.