Faces & Places

To Our Customers:
“At Sherwood Pick n Pay, we promise to keep our part in making your shopping experience as pleasant as possible. We are here to listen to your needs and we promise to do our best to meet those needs in every possible way. Bringing you the freshest products around is our priority. We want your Rand to go a long way for your family. We want to be your first and only choice for your daily shopping. We are here for you.”
Carolines Hot Fire
Highest quality Chips and Take Aways.
Clean & Friendly Service.
Liquor Store available for your convenience.
Operating from 8AM to 10PM
Ultra Liquors Sherwood has been under the Ultra Liquors banner for three years and has grown from strength to strength. The current owners have owned the store since 1999. We have a wide variety of liquor products available, including liqueurs and shooters, and we also supply pubs and taverns
Urban Link
Our motto is that we are customer driven and not money driven
We put our customers’ needs first be it tenant or landlord.
Strive to solve our customers problems or queries
We assist landlords to find the perfect tenant and help tenants to find the perfect home
We have a strong working relationship with our clients and strive to improve that relationship everyday.
Mari van zyl
Mari van Zyl Real Estates was established in November 2005 and started out with one employee and myself. With the same vision we worked long hours to accomplish our goal. Our vision was assisting people in the property sector with buying/selling/valuating and renting homes. Our motto is lending a helping hand and our clients become our family. Together we built a small business to a household name with a staff of six. We are proud of our staff and the contribution and accomplishment they bring to the company and to the industry.
Secure Tech
Shawn Raper is die afgelope 20 jaar al in die sekuriteitsbedryf. Hy het in 2008 besluit om ‘n gewapende reaksie-eenheid in Brakpan te begin omdat daar ‘n leemte daarvoor was.
Ons glo nog dat goeie diens die geheim tot sukses is. Daarom het ons gepoog om ‘n huishoudelike naam in die dorp te word en ons glo ons het dit reeds in 2009 bereik.
Ons bedank die Brakpan-gemeenskap vir hul bydrae tot ons sukses. Sonder die gemeenskap is ons niks.
Dankie Brakpan, julle is tops. Ons belowe om steeds die beste diens te verskaf.
Secure Tech – in Brakpan om die gemeenskap te dien.