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Last minute shopping tips

The less time you spend shopping means less temptation to overspend or impulse buy.

Every year there are many who leave their Christmas shopping until the last minute and either end up spending over their budget or buying unthoughtful gifts.

Before you brave any store, make a list of how much you’d like to spend on each person you are buying for, and stick to it.

Retailers have a few tricks up their sleeves to get you to linger in their stores, such as playing catchy holiday music and scenting the air with pleasant holiday smells, making it more likely you’ll buy something on impulse.

The less time you spend shopping means less temptation to overspend or impulse buy.

Most online retailers guarantee delivery up to a few days before Christmas, so skip the mall and shop online for your gifts instead.

You can avoid the hustle and bustle of the holiday crowds, and you can either ship your gifts right to the recipient, or have them sent to you.

Virtually every retailer offers gift cards now, so forget the idea that plastic is an impersonal gift. After all, who wouldn’t want to go on a shopping spree at one of their favourite stores?

The way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach, right?

If you’re a whiz of a baker, whip up a batch of your special cookies to give as gifts.

If you want to give something tangible, wrap them up on a pretty cookie platter or in a festive holiday tin.

Clothes can be tough to get right even when you aren’t shopping in a last-minute frenzy.

Do yourself a favour and skip the clothing department altogether.

If someone on your list is a fashionista, stick with a gift certificate to her favourite store.

To make her gift really special, offer to take her shopping for an item of her choice and then treat her to lunch or dinner at a favourite restaurant.

Resist the urge to keep shopping for the perfect gift, and leave the store as soon as you’ve crossed everyone off your list.

Information obtained from www.familyeducation.com.

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