Municipal workers attempt to solicit bribe from Vita Nova Centre over electricity disconnection
Workers allegedly attempt to solicit bribe from Vita Nova Centre.

Workers from the Ekurhuleni Energy Department allegedly attempted to solicit money from the Vita Nova Centre to restore the electricity after their power supply was cut on Monday.
The centre, which caters for persons with mental and physical disabilities, has fallen on hard times recently due to Covid-19 and the lockdown, and have battled to pay their electricity bills on time.
According to Vita Nova director Michelle Immelmann, members from the energy department arrived at the centre to cut the power.
Immelmann said a bribe was solicited after she asked for an extension on the outstanding electricity bill.
Immelmann refused to pay over any money and the centre’s power was cut.
“I was so shocked when I heard them say that.
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“We have never paid any bribes and never will,” said Immelman.
According to Immelman, one Vita Nova resident who relies on an oxygen pump had to be rushed to hospital after suffering from oxygen deprivation.
Fortunately, the centre received R120 000 in donations from the public after explaining their plight on their Facebook page, which they then used to pay some of the outstanding fees.
After receiving the donations, Immelman provided the proof of payment to ward councillor Shadow Shabangu, who was able to resolve the issue with the municipality and Vita Nova’s electricity was restored on Tuesday evening.
“We are so grateful to the community who were kind enough to help us through this.
“Our centre cannot operate without power and we look after many, many people,” Immelman said.
Immelman thanked Shabangu for helping them resolve the matter with the municipality.
Comment requested from the City of Ekurhuleni will be published once it has been received.
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