Brakpan Cemetery continues to be neglected
The cemetery is now so overgrown that it has reportedly become the go-to escape route for criminals.

Nature has practically taken over the Brakpan Cemetery, turning the graveyard into a mini forest with roots tipping over tombstones and breaking through the paving.
The state of the cemetery has only degraded since the clean-up project run by the Department of Correctional Services in September, as reported by the Brakpan Herald (Parolees clean entrances to the Brakpan Cemetery).
During a visit to the cemetery on Monday, the Herald observed damaged and knocked-over tombstones. Vagrants have reportedly stolen some, the reason for which is unknown.
In the buildings on the premises, which have been reduced to crumbling walls, vagrants have made their homes.

According to Anthony Bezuidenhout from Secure Tech Security, who escorted the Herald through the cemetery, many thieves that break into surrounding houses run into the cemetery to hide.
The overgrown state of the cemetery allows them to hide from police and security personnel fairly easily, which means they often get away with the stolen goods.
In addition, there is a camp at the newer side of the cemetery, in a wooded area outside the fence. Two columns were broken out of the concrete fence to allow these vagrants access to the cemetery.
It is claimed criminals favour the cemetery for how secluded, overgrown and empty it is. One of the more serious incidents to have taken place over the last few months was the attempted hijacking of a man who was visiting his wife’s grave in September.

The widower, in his 70s, was shot in the stomach and critically injured. Many with loved ones buried at the cemetery are frustrated and fearful about visiting.
“I am a taxpayer and it is my right and privilege to visit my departed loved ones’ graves without having to walk through the jungle,” said Julie Christou.
“We are Greek Orthodox and not encouraged to be cremated. It terrifies me that one day my children will have to bury me in this disgusting place.
“My parents and my husband have been buried there for many years and it was always such a comforting experience to visit and put flowers on their graves.
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“Now an elderly gentleman that I pay to clean my loved ones’ graves has warned me several people have been attacked and I must never go alone.
“Our Hellenic Federation has warned our community to avoid the cemetery at all costs. “Is this normal, is this what we are paying for?”
Ward 97 Clr Brandon Pretorius believes the current state of the cemetery is nothing more than poor planning by municipal managers.
“What lacks is planning because the department knew this season was coming just like every other year,” he said.
“We have to ask ourselves why the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) pays salaries to people who do not do their job.
“We, the councillors, are bombarded with complaints from frustrated residents, requesting council employees to do their job.
“Why must residents beg officials to do their job? Whenever we approach the department, they give administrative explanations about service delivery not happening the way it should be. The environment around Brakpan looks like dilapidated property.”
He explains he understands the frustration of residents paying for these services through rates and taxes.
“While the municipality has disingenuously attributed the grass-cutting backlog to the festive season break and ‘changing weather patterns’, the backlog this year is particularly severe due to mismanagement by the department,” he said.

“The primary reason for this is that the failing coalition partners have not appointed grass-cutting contractors while the available budget for grass-cutting remains unused.
“Regardless, the current service level agreement states that grass-cutting should occur in parks across the city every 168 hours and 30 days for open spaces, thus illustrating the extent of the poor governance and lack of service delivery.
“We have called on the department to take urgent action in commencing with delivering the services they are mandated to deliver. The lack of grass-cutting is an insult to residents and a clear risk to their health and safety. Long grass provides criminal opportunism.”
The CoE acknowledges the concerns about the Brakpan Cemetery’s maintenance and safety.
“The delay in grass-cutting is due to limited resources within the division. However, remedial actions are actively being pursued and efforts are underway to address this problem,” said CoE spokesperson Zweli Dlamini.
“Concerns pertaining to safety will be escalated to the EMPD to conduct a comprehensive security assessment.
“The department is committed to improving conditions and ensuring that the cemetery remains in a reasonable state and a place where the safety of our people can be guaranteed.
“Further updates will be provided as progress is made.”