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Disaster after disaster for East Rand Children’s Haven

Series of incidents have impacted the home's cash flow.

A tree branch fell and narrowly missed the roof of the East Rand Children’s Haven on February 5.

Fellers deemed the tree, between two wings of the building in a courtyard, unstable and they had to cut it down.

This is to prevent the risk of future damage, as the tree was large and old. The first fellers quoted the home a substantial sum to remove the tree, but a good Samaritan quoted half of that, deciding to only pay the workers and do the removal and provide transport for free.

This incident was the latest in a series of misfortunes the home recently suffered that depleted its cash flow. The offices, charity shop and coffee shop were looted for pipes and fittings over December, according to social worker Maxie Smook.

The stolen pipes and fittings left them without water and electricity in those buildings, and everything had to be replaced by plumbers and electricians.

In addition, thieves stole the Wi-Fi cables of the entire premises, leaving the home without internet to send and receive emails, do research for the children’s school projects and more. The Wi-Fi provider also had to be brought in to replace the cables, further eating into the cash flow.

Money is the biggest issue for the home. While they are living responsibly with water and electricity usage, the bills rack up when there are 20 children to feed, bathe and clothe.

The home also has to balance emergencies with bills, groceries, school registration fees and costs, and extra-curricular activities. They attempt to give the children a normal life as possible, and that can become costly.

An important source of income is the charity shop, which is open Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 15:00, and on the first Saturday of every month from 09:00 to 13:00.

Also read: Bargains galore at East Rand Children’s Haven charity shop

The shop sells second-hand clothes, décor, accessories, books, CDs and DVDs donated to them by the public.

There is also a coffee shop, and the shop hosts skills development projects.

The home needs more than the income generated from the shop and their subsidy, especially after such a costly ‘Janu-worry’.

Toiletries and cleaning supplies are currently the most needed items, and donations of these will be appreciated.

The charity shop always welcomes donations of second-hand items in good shape. Drop off your donation at 5 Muriel Brand Street in Brenthurst.

Most desperately, the home needs monetary donations to pay the water and electricity bills after paying for repairs and other services throughout January.

To make a monetary donation, call the home on 011 813 2750 for banking details and other information.

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