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South Rand Hospital hosts excellence awards

The staff were honoured for their hard work and dedication to the patients and encouraged to continue the excellent work

South Rand Hospital (SRH) hosted its annual excellence awards to honour the staff’s hard work throughout the year.

SRH CEO Simphiwe Gada opened the ceremony and welcomed guests.

South Rand Hospital CEO Simphiwe Gada.

In his speech, he said, “This day is to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of every staff member on the ground who works tirelessly to ensure every part of the hospital runs smoothly and patients receive adequate treatment and care.”

He emphasised that it should be a reminder to emerge with renewed energy to further contribute to healthcare.

Thandazile Langa, Tyler Jacobs and Sewala Nghomani.

“You are appreciated and acknowledged for the teamwork,” highlighted Gada.

Gratitude went to the hospital management for their continued efforts of not compromising the quality of healthcare given to the millions of patients who walk through the doors.

Nursing manager Elizabeth Kgomongwe and her husband, Arens.

The celebration included speeches by Dr Maebe Letwaba, who spoke about the day’s purpose, applauding his colleagues for their hard work. SRH board member Simphiwe Hlafa highlighted the celebration’s importance and gave a message of support to the staff.

Dr Maebe Letwaba delivers his speech.

The guests were entertained with comedy, musical items and a lunch at the Booysens Hotel.

The staff of SRH were encouraged to work collectively, serve the community with a smile, and thrive with excellence.

Nongezo Mekgwe, an SRH board member.
The hospital’s executive members.

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