
Riyaan is rewarded for his hard work

Crawford International Fourways Riyaan Raji's hard work pays off for him after winning awards from Kumon Centre.

Riyaan Ragi is in top form after bagging awards in math and English from Kumon Centre. However, this did not surprise his proud parents, Sushma and Raju Ragi who told us that from a young age, Riyaan has always been a bookworm.

Speaking to Fourways Review, Sushma said these awards obtained by their son – means he is now doing calculations at a Grade 3 level.

“Riyaan is currently in Grade 1 at Crawford International Fourways. He received ASHR (Advanced Student Honour Roll) 2 for maths – which means he is currently doing Grade 3 math and received ASHR 1 for English which means he is currently doing Grade 2 English. The ASHR 1 award is for when a student is participating in work six months to a year above the current grade,” she explained.

Riyaan Raji received awards for excellence in math and English.

She said the awards acknowledge learners who have excelled at Kumon and are engaging in schoolwork above their current school grade. “As parents, we believe Riyaan has an inborn talent and has always been a level advanced for his age. He used to identify the flags of the countries as a toddler and loved solving puzzles at a very young age. He used to solve 120-piece puzzles at the age of four and he loves to draw every single day.”

However, “He is even more confident at school, and he has been learning concepts well beyond his school grade.”

She described him as a multi-talented child, and that apart from school activities, he likes to keep himself busy with drawing, and swimming, amongst other hobbies. To celebrate his small wins, he said, “I ask my parents to buy a new toy like a sports car, have a candy, or take me to my favorite places.”

Riyaan wants to become a scientist when he grows up.

“He is a very quick learner and a perfectionist; he is never satisfied or happy with 90% and pushes himself to get 100%. He is very competitive and always wants to be the best in everything that he does. He does his Kumon homework daily and attends Kumon 3-4 times a week. While at home, he is guided by his caretaker Lilly with his daily math and English, and he does in–class lessons with his Kumon instructor, Sophia Kyprianides.

“As his parents, we are very proud of his achievements and we always make sure to give him the best environment, where he can thrive and be himself. Most importantly to enjoy what he does. We would encourage him to pursue his interests and passions to achieve his dreams.
“All thanks to the God Almighty for giving us a handsome, intelligent son and we are blessed to have him as our son.”

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