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Storing your holiday decorations correctly

Prevent bulbs from bursting by wrapping them in an unused towel or bubble wrap.

With the holiday season soon slowing down, homeowners now face the age-old question of when to take down their beloved Christmas decorations.

Here are a few clever storage solutions for the more bulky or delicate items within a household’s festive collection.

Safely secure lights
Nobody looks forward to untangling a string of Christmas lights.
To prevent this cable chaos, wrap any string lights or garlands around a cylinder object, like the cardboard found inside a roller towel or an empty wrapping paper roll.
Prevent bulbs from bursting by wrapping them in an unused towel or bubble wrap.

Also read: Foundation brings Christmas early in Primrose

Upgrade your labelling
To make it easier to find your Christmas decorations next year label the storage boxes.
Invest in clear storage containers for easy visibility.
For an eco-friendlier solution, turn the boxes your presents arrived in into storage boxes for your decorations.
Cover them in brown paper and write the labels in a black or white permanent marker.

Protect delicate décor
Store any dainty tree ornaments in an empty egg carton to protect against breakages.
Mark the boxes containing delicate décor as fragile.
To guard against fish moths eating into Santa’s hat and other fabric decorations stowed away in the back of the cupboard, throw in a lavender pouch or an other natural bug repellent.

Renovate to add more storage
Storage can be a big drawcard for future buyers. If your property lacks storage space, consider installing more built-in storage solutions to potentially increase the resale value of your home.
Those with an enclosed garage space could add overhead storage for infrequently used items, like Christmas decorations. If there is space in the garden, install an outdoors shed for gardening supplies and other bulky items, like the Christmas tree.


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