
Germiston Callies club hosts Alan Robb for a race in Germiston

Both Alan and Marietjie ran the 15km race. Their delightful smiles were an indication they enjoyed the run.

Germiston Callies hosted the Alan Robb 32 and 15km races through the Streets of Germiston on April 7.

What started as a cold morning soon warmed up with the high spirits of the runners.

Close to 1 000 runners took to the road at 06:30.

Germiston Callies were thrilled to host the race with Alan Robb, a 12 times gold medallist at the Comrades Marathon, and his wife Marietjie Robb both participating.

Marietjie Robb also participated at the race bearing her husbands name.

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Alan and Marietjie ran the 15 km race, and their delightful smiles indicated they enjoyed the run.

ā€œThe race was a success and Callies marshalls, volunteers and EMPD ensured the safety of all participants. The well-stocked water points guaranteed runners were well hydrated even in the cooler temperatures,ā€ said Charmaine Stockdale of Callies.

ā€œGermiston Callies will soon host the Fred Morrison 21.1km and 10km races and a 5km fun run at Germiston Golf Course,ā€ said Stockdale.

Visit their Facebook page at Germiston Callies Harriers Athletic Club for up-to-date news, information and events.

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