According to municipal spokesperson Phindile Sidu, the new campus will bring to life a commitment made by government years ago.
“This comes after the Department of Higher Education and Training successfully concluded the process of appointing a contractor that will be responsible for the project,” Sidu said in a media statement.
The Department of Higher Education and Training outlined the project plan for the construction at a site handover meeting held between stakeholders from the Gert Sibande Technical and Vocational Education and Training College and Dipaleseng Local Municipality at the municipal offices on June 8.
The 15 month project (with an anticipated budget of approximately R110 million) will contribute immensely to the local economic activity, thereby bringing positive spinoffs for the populace of the area.
The new campus will offer a variety of training courses that will have an impact in bridging the skills gap currently experienced in the area.
“The alignment of courses and training to the local industry demands is also an important aspect that we need to bear in mind in order to be relevantly responsive to the needs of our people”, executive mayor Mafunda Makhubu said during the handover ceremony.
The department extended its appreciation for the support and assistance provided by the municipality over the years and banked on this collaborative relationship to continue to ensure the success of the project.
A project steering committee comprising of representatives from all relevant stakeholders has been established. The project steering committee will ensure the seamless implementation of this massive project by overseeing the on-going statutory and technical processes, and focusing on the monitoring of local procurement and other related matters.