Grassouw residence is part of the Heritage.
Heidelberg's latest Heritage Blue Plaque to van Grassouw's residence.

Heritage Status to von Grassouw Residence.
On September 30, Tony Burisch of the Heidelberg Heritage Association awarded the latest blue plaque for heritage to 29 Jacobs Street.
The plaque is no 61 in the heritage series.
According to the historical book, Die Geskiedenis van Heidelberg, written by Johannes Jacobus Smit. Stand 122 is at 29 Jacobs Street.
The stand also includes the AG Visser House and stables. The first owner as per reports was Mr Fritz van Grassouw.
It seems that the Grassouws were quite wealthy in Heidelberg, as at one stage they owned 11 properties.
Dr AG Visser was a well-known poet and writer, not just in Heidelberg but in the whole of South Africa.
Various places in Heidelberg were named after AG Visser. There is the AG Visser House, AG Visser Street in Rensburg, Residential Flats, School as well at the State Hospital named after him.
The subdivision between AG Visser’s house and the premises in Jacobs street is where the stables were built.
A sandstone foundation stone of the old stable was discovered when a swimming pool was excavated on the property.
AG Visser’s house was used as a mine commissions office before becoming the house we know today.
In the early times of mining, the whole Reef area’s mine concessions were issued from Heidelberg.
The house was built around the 1920s and was used as a hostel for the students of the Heidelberg Teachers Training College.
The sponsor of the plaque is Pierre Nel from KIA Heidelberg of Autocity.