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Blood buddy makes 300th donation

The 82-year-old Kloof resident who started donating blood at the age of 22 hade made it his mission to help save a life.

“MISSION accomplished. I have been waiting for this day for the past 60 years.”

These were the words of Kloof resident Vic Fowler who reached a milestone when he made his 300th blood donation last Friday at Hillcrest South African National Blood Service (SANBS).

The 82-year-old said he started donating blood at the age of 22.

Also read: Help SANBS raise blood stock this festive season

Sharing his story, Fowler said he was working at the mine in Welkom at the time and staying at the hostel.

“I and my three friends had just finished dinner when another friend came and asked if we would like to go out to another area where there were lots of girls.

“We gladly agreed,” said Fowler with a laugh.

When they got to the venue, the Kloof resident said there were lots of cars outside.

“We went inside, and there were lots of beds in the passages and people lying in them with needles on their arms.

“We couldn’t get out of it. Yes, there were girls in there – middle-aged women who were nurses and sisters who made sure we donated.” Fowler laughed again.

Since then, he has been donating consistently.

“I used to donate six times a year, but now I give blood four times a year because of my age. The only time I could not donate was when I was working with the rescue team under the mines.

Also read: It’s in his blood – selfless Westville resident makes 450th donation

For Fowler, donating has become his lifestyle as he said the more you donate, the more you feel like you are helping other people.


Dianne Fosteras, Merryl Petrie, Vic Fowler (blood donor), Ingrid Marlton and Bheki Jokazi.

“It just becomes your mission, and people need blood every day. I am glad that I am a still healthy enough to donate and help save a life,” he said.

Fowler added that donating blood is the simplest thing in the world. “I know most people said they are scared of needles, but you do not even feel it – the staff at SANBS are trained to do this.”

Sister Ingrid Marlton congratulated Fowler on his 300th donation. “I want to thank him for being such a good example to the community.”

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