Top coach visits Aquatic swimmers
Swimmers in the top academy squad now need to voluntarily buy into this new culture and take responsibility
CRAIG Jackson, an Australian gold card podium coach, presented a swim clinic for swimmers of Aquatic Academy recently.
Jackson has just returned from the Kazan World Championships where his swimmer won a bronze medal.
He spoke to the swimmers on motivation and explained similar “culture expectations”.
Academy parents were invited to watch a DVD from world renowned swimming coach, John Leonard. He sympathised with parents, and as a parent and grandparent himself, gave some insightful suggestions and opinions on how to tackle parenting problems that many parents face in our techno world.
Swimming is a long-term development sport – as is life. The reality is that mediocre and “changing channels” destroy greatness, he said.
Excellence is no longer encouraged. Role models on TV have doubtful character traits. Self-discipline and drive are required to make “good” into “great”.
Children find that good gets them all the recognition they need. Is nearly right, right? he asked. If the going gets tough, or boring, is “changing channel” the best way forward? These are a few of the questions he asked of parents.
The academy, with input from the parents, chose to establish its own “high performance squad” and has incorporated all the “buzz” words, thoughts and phrases that both Jackson and Leonard had discussed. The word “culture” is a constant in their positive vocabulary. “Culture of self-respect. Culture of hard work. Ownership of their sport.
Leonard refers to the “immutables”. Facts that cannot change: show up, honour your team mates with your effort, do it right first time.
Swimmers in the top academy squad now need to voluntarily buy into this new culture and take responsibility and ownership for their choices.
They have “signed a contract” with themselves. They acknowledge that they will lose their place in this squad if the commitment to themselves and respect to their team mates is lost.