
Only a community can fight this war

A lot still needs to be done in Mogale City but residents, police, civic and business leaders are joining hands in this fight against all forms of abuse.

Law and order and the way residents live in Mogale City are threatened by abuse – abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, but also abuse of women in prostitution.

All these forms of abuse have a serious negative effect on the crime rate and the wellbeing of people who live in Mogale City.

Some months ago the West Rand Chamber of Business met with the Station Commander of the Krugersdorp Police Station, the Krugersdorp Community Policing Forum and civic leaders, and as a result they asked the Mayor of Mogale City to lead an action group of concerned citizens to declare war against all forms of abuse. Since that first meeting many operations have been conducted against drug dealers and drug distributors in Krugersdorp.

While the raids were successful, the major successes came from actions taken by the South African Police Service as a result of information received.
The Mayor’s commitment also resulted in increased law enforcement by municipal departments, and those actions have led to the closure of “drug and prostitution houses” in the CBD and Sivewright Street area in Krugersdorp.

Concerned residents in the Sivewright Street area arranged a march to protest against drug dealers and prostitutes in their area – an action that has had a positive impact on crime statistics in that area – and in the meantime they have established a neighbourhood watch in conjunction with the Krugersdorp CPF.

A lot still needs to be done in Mogale City but residents, police, civic and business leaders are joining hands in this fight against all forms of abuse.

“We, however, need to involve the entire community. This is not only a matter for the police. Schools, churches, clinics, clubs, health care and social services should also get involved in the prevention and solving of abuse,” Dennis Pretorius of the West Rand Chamber of Business.

The police will welcome any information that will assist them in the fight against abuse. A special sms line has been introduced to give the public an open line to report abuse.

“Send an sms to 083 399 4544 and the matter will be followed up.”

The police assure the public that the information will be handled with the strictest confidentiality and nobody needs to fear that their identity will become known. Positive information will be awarded.

This sms number will not accept or record voice messages – please only use it for smses.

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