LFPA launches new project
The Letaba Fire Protection Association initiated a new project called #facesoffire where people are encouraged to take photos of people fighting fires.
The aircraft almost always enjoy all the attention during a fire.
The people on the ground do not get recognised.
We do not know about the guy getting up in the wee hours of a winter morning, putting on his jacket and safety boots to go out to a fire, of the farm workers whose been battling for hours on end, with soot all over their faces.
We do not see fire fighters exhausted because of the smoke with emotion raw on their faces.
It is time these people get acknowledged for their unselfish act and you can help us.
Whenever you see fire fighters, farmers, farm workers and even volunteers fighting fires, stop, take a head and shoulder photo and send it to us.
Photos can be sent through: Whatsapp 082 304 9162 or Facebook www.facebook.com/letabafire or E-mail: pro@letabafire.co.za or Twitter: #facesoffire @letabafire.