TZANEEN: Questions arise over construction of dam wall
It was brought to the attention of the LETABA HERALD that the construction efforts at the Tzaneen dam wall appear to have ceased.

LETABA HERALD received numerous calls and emails from concerned residents after it appears as if the construction company has “shut up shop.”
The container that was on top of the wall, as well as the small office building that was on the opposite side of the road from the dam wall have been removed.

HERALD contacted the Blackhead Consulting, the group in charge of the project.
Watch: Tzaneen DWS workers join National strike against the outsourcing of services
Mukhtar Nagdee from Blackhead Consulting told the HERALD telephonically, “There is nothing to worry about. The project is still ongoing. The demolition phase is complete and that contractor has left the site.”
Further confidence was given by the Department of Water and Sanitations spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, “Please be assured that the Tzaneen Dam Raising Project has not come to a halt. The project is ongoing but has been broken down into 3 stages namely: the stockpiling, demolishing and raising of the dam wall.
Read: Raising of Tzaneen dam wall to begin soon
“The stockpiling stage was completed in March 2017 and was followed by the demolition of the spillway. The demolition works was completed at the end of February 2018, and the contractor that was appointed for the demolition works has since de-established the site camp which includes removal of the container at the end of February 2018.
“The procurement processes for the appointment of a contractor to carry out the raising of the dam wall works has commenced . On appointment of a contractor and subsequent commencement of construction, it is expected that the construction stage for the raising of the dam wall to be approximately 18 months.”