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Making New Year’s resolutions with your children

New Year's resolutions aren't just for adults! Here are some tips to help your children make achievable goals for the new year.

For many of us, the new year signals a time to assess our lives and make changes we don’t like. There is always room for improvement in the coming year, whether it is our diet, exercise routine, or procrastination. Our children can learn a lot about self-discipline and the importance of setting goals when making New Year’s resolutions. Here are some suggestions for how you can help your children benefit from setting goals and jotting down aspirations for 2024.

Make it a family affair

Making New Year’s resolutions a family tradition is the best way to teach your children the value of them. Sit down with your children today and reflect on the previous year, discussing your accomplishments and goals as individuals and as a family. You can discuss what worked and what didn’t work this year during your resolution discussion.

“Each of us is going to state a few things that we want to continue doing and things that we’d like to change that would make us feel better about ourselves and how our family works,” says Dr Benjamin Siegel, professor of paediatrics and psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine.

“Each member of the family takes turns sharing something they are proud of and something they want to improve. It may be beneficial for parents to go first in order to provide a role model for their children. If your child is old enough to write, he or she should record their achievements and goals, and you can assist your younger child by doing the same.”

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