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Building Reconciliation Together Organisation occupies Miriam Makeba Centre for Girls

Centre chairperson Thato Mokhothu confirmed that they have agreed to have BRT using the centre for free.

After seeing the Miriam Makeba Centre for Girls in President Park was not being fully utilised, the Building Reconciliation Together (BRT) Organisation occupied it.

The centre of the struggle world-famous singer and activist has been semi-functional since earlier last year when it was plagued by financial constraints.

However, BRT founder Ezekiel Mohale said the aim is to revive the centre and ensure the legacy of Makeba, affectionately known as ‘Mama Afrika’, lives on.
About a month after they moved into the premises, Mohale said they do various activities, which include the functioning of the library.

He said they want to use the centre to provide invaluable information about available jobs and economic opportunities.
“Through our information centres, we run developmental and skills transfer activities for the youth so that they can be better equipped in the future. The aim is to plant seeds that will produce different professionals and keep them off the streets. We want to keep them busy through various programmes such as, poetry, teacher and library assistance and other talent innovations,” said Mohale.

BRT has seven other branches across the country in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and Gauteng. He said the organisation had about 15 children at the centre and allowed walk-in kids to use the library to gain new knowledge.

Mohale explained how they want to groom school kids during holidays to avoid seeing them loiter on the streets aimlessly.
“The youth organisation will use the information centre to host an after-school programme. This will enable school kids to gather information and will be assisted by a member of the organisation to work with them in a group or individually.”
He said the bigger picture is to see school learners pursue their careers while unemployed graduates and other members of the community
Mohale concluded that they want to help society establish democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights.

Centre chairperson Thato Mokhothu confirmed that they have agreed to have BRT using the centre for free.

Details: Ezekiel Mohale 079 946 5073

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