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Dogs compete at Marks Park

EMMARENTIA- Dogs frp, The Dobermann and All Breeds Club compete in IPO testing.

The Dobermann and All Breeds Club met at Marks Park in Emmarentia on 3 November for an IPO judging.

IPO stands for Internationale Prüfungs-Ordnung, German for International auditing rules and it refers to the sport that focuses on developing and evaluating those traits in dogs that make them more useful and happier companions to their owners. The dogs are tested in all aspects of dog sports and have to prove their abilities to an accredited judge.

The club started in 1927 as the Dobermann Club but over the years it grew to include all breeds of dogs

IPO test dogs against three categories: courage, obedience and tracking skills.

Courage deals with protection and security work while the handler must still be able to control the dog in aggressive situations. The obedience test the dog’s social skills and temperament by walking them through an area with cyclists, walkers and even a bakkie. Tracking tests the dog’s ability to use their nose.

Dog lovers are invited to come out to training every Sunday morning at Marks Park (Orange Road entrance).

Details: Kathy Wilson- 011 327 6440

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