Man kills wife and himself at police station
PARKVIEW - Police officers witness a Parkhust man shoot and kill his wife before turning the gun on himself.

Parkview Police are investigating a case of murder and inquest following an incident in which a man shot and killed his wife and turned the gun on himself at the client service centre in the early hours of 6 January.
Both victims were declared dead at the scene.
It is alleged that the victims went to the client service centre in connection with a domestic violence dispute. While they were busy with the domestic violence forms, the man (47) went out of the client service centre to fetch his reading spectacles. Unknown to the police officers attending to them, he suddenly came back and shot his wife (45) in the head with a small revolver gun.
While police officers were trying to disarm him, he shot himself in the upper body. Circumstances surrounding the shooting are being investigated. It is understood that the couple lived in Parkhust. The police don’t have any previous records of the man or any previous domestic violence case that the couple had opened at the police station.
The police’s Lungelo Dlamini said counselling will be arranged for the police officers who were attending to the victims at the client service centre.