
Young readers’ ‘Christmas wishlist’ for the paper?

We headed to Northwest Christian School where the schools Grades 1 and 2 learners were all too eager to answer this question.

The Northcliff Melville Times is in glorious celebration of its 50th anniversary.

Though the paper has been dropped off at your doorstep filled with the information you need regarding your community, we also know that there is always room to grow.

So, the paper headed to Northwest Christian School in an effort towards this growth. We asked the school’s Grades 1 and 2 to share what it is they would love to see their local newspaper include.

From wanting to read about cake decorating, to robotics and cars, it was clear these little readers know the paper can do so much more for them in the coming 50 years.

Here is what a few of them would love to read in the paper:

Related Article: What will this paper’s front page look like in 50 years?

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