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Read all about it at the Little Free Lending Library in Linden

The lending library has been open for just a few months but it has managed to make an impact in the community.

Reading a book shouldn’t be seen as a privilege, but rather an experience many in our community should be able to enjoy.

Take Jessica Lambert for instance, this is probably a sentiment she would agree with because, for the past five months, she has been running the Little Free Lending Library in Linden. It’s an initiative she describes as a community-sharing library box where people can put books in and take them out.

She feels this lending project helps the community as it’s a way for all to share books and gives people, who do not have access to books from either bookstores or traditional libraries, the opportunity to find a book they enjoy.

One of her big passions has always been reading, and before she became a mother to her little boy, the qualified English teacher was working for an educational publishing company. Her job developed her love for literature and reading even further.

Jessica Lambert would love for you to come read a book and leave book at her local Little Free Lending Library in Linden.
Jessica Lambert would love for you to come read a book and leave book at her local Little Free Lending Library in Linden. Photo: Neo Phashe

Lambert had always wanted to put up a free lending library as it’s something fun for her to do and yet in the same breath, something that can uplift the community. “I love reading and I love books and I just want to share this with everyone.”
She joined and became part of the Little Free Library Organisation and even has a charter plate. This means you search all the lending libraries across the world and find hers.

This little library was even recognised by Bill Gates who donated to the library, among many other little libraries across the world, five of his favourite books for 2022. “Not just that, they also did a video of ‘Bill Gates’ going to five of these libraries across the world and mine was chosen for that video as well,” shared Lambert. These books have been borrowed by many people since the video premiered.



In the time it has been running the little lending library has gained popularity. What Lambert has found surprising and great to see are the return users, our local waste pickers. “They will browse and take a book and the book always comes back. They come back the following week to take another. So, I see them quite often.”

Outside of this community members walking their dogs might take a peek and even motorists will pull over just to stop to have a look. This gives her the impression that this little library has been quite a positive experience for the most part.

Since she first stocked it up with books at the start with what she got from the local charity bookshop she has not personally had to since.

Lambert wants the community to love this library and find joy in it as she does. “I would encourage others to start one of their own in their community as it can be very rewarding.”

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