Northwest Christian School takes us on a Bible Walk
The school hosted yet another school production that saw guests take an interactive walk through various Bible scenes.
Northwest Christian School recently held a Bible Walk that had audiences experience scenes from the Bible.
Hosted over two days at the school, the event had attendees walk through the premises to watch 12 Bible stories come to life.
Kelly Lomax, head of the Parents Association and the creative lead of the production, explained this was an annual fundraiser for the school and a three-part production for all in the community to enjoy. Stories such as the lame man being healed, the wedding at Cana where Jesus did his first miracle, and many more scenes were acted out by learners.
It was important to make the production interactive because it was another way to get the school community together. Through the walk, which was conducted through staggered groups, everyone got an intimate look at the scenes that cannot be accomplished in a stage production.
Lomax credited her creativity to the Lord. “I am using this creativity for His glory and I am grateful for the school that they allowed me to use my talents, as well as those of other parents and teachers that we could bring these Bible stories to life.”
She hoped guests left having enjoyed something that was out of the ordinary. “I hope it inspires community members to take part in it next year, coming forward with their time and talents.”
Lomax’s favourite verse in the Good Book is ‘Do all things for His glory’ and that is what she aims to always do.
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