Who’ll win a make-over for farewell?
Vaalweekblad, in collaboration with events guru Jean Prieur du Plessis, designer Mariska Crous, Fab Lane Wellness Spa and other valued sponsors invited the Vaal’s matric girls to describe their dream dresses for their Matric Farewell and send us photos of themselves. To pick the finalists from the many entries is no easy task. The girl …

Vaalweekblad, in collaboration with events guru Jean Prieur du Plessis, designer Mariska Crous, Fab Lane Wellness Spa and other valued sponsors invited the Vaal’s matric girls to describe their dream dresses for their Matric Farewell and send us photos of themselves.
To pick the finalists from the many entries is no easy task. The girl whose description of her dream dress impresses the judges most will be the winner. Readers and the girls’ friends and family can help choose a winner: SMS DRESS, the name and surname of your favourite girl and then your own name and surname to 45516. SMS’s cost R1-50 each and should reach us not later than June 5. Please note that only 10 SMS’s may be sent from one cell phone number for a specific girl. The girls may of course request as many of their friends as possible to each send 10 SMS’s to gather more votes.
The judges will soon contact the finalists for personal interviews. The winner will be announced in Vaalweekblad as soon as the votes are in and the final judging is done.
The winner’s prizes include:
The winning girl will be assisted in her decisionmaking by events guru Jean Prieur du Plessis and dressed by well-known designer Mariska Crous of ‘Little Miss Priss’ in a creation valued at R10 000.
* Handbag, shoes and jewellery – Mariska Crous.
* Hair – Fab Lane Hair Studio.
* Makeup – Fab Lane Wellness Spa.
* A spa treatment – Fab Lane Wellness Spa.
* Photo sessions by a top photographer
* Spa products
* Décor / Flowers sponsored by Flowerspot
* The winning girl will be taken to her farewell venue in a classic car, sponsored by Vaal Old Wheels Club.