Meet your Ward 117 councillor
It was a little more than two years ago since Ward 117 councillor Tim Truluck was elected.

“Many meetings, workshops, potholes and projects have passed. There have been and continue to be issues such as the Spear of the Nation controversy, events at Delta Park and Zoo Lake, Parkhurst parking, Rosebank Market, Zoo Lake Sports Club, and the tweeting badger at the zoo,” said Truluck.
“While I have been sending out regular emails, tweeting voraciously as @jozi117, and appearing regularly in the press, I feel that it is time to have a public meeting where residents and I can interact directly.”
As he serves a large ward, Truluck has divided it into four sectors and arranged for a public meeting to be held in each segment during August. “At each meeting I will present issues and future plans in the ward before narrowing down to that specific area. The residents associations in the area will also be able to address the meeting and sign up members. There will be a question and answer session afterwards. Obviously anybody will be allowed to attend any of the meetings, but the focus of each meeting will be aimed at that specific area.”
All meetings start at 6.30pm sharp and end at 8pm. There is safe parking at each venue.
6 August: Victory Park, Pine Park, Pierneef Park, Blairgowrie (portion near the Blairgowrie Primary School), Delta Park, Braamfontein Spruit. Venue: Delta Park Environment Centre.
13 August: Saxonwold, Parkwood, Joburg Zoo and Zoo Lake. Venue: Ditsong Military History Museum, 22 Erlswold Way, Saxonwold.
20 August: Rosebank. Venue Crowne Plaza Hotel, corner Tyrwhitt and Sturdee avenues, Rosebank. Parking inside the hotel will cost R10.
21 August: Parkhurst and Parktown North. Venue Parktown North Methodist Church, 64 7th Avenue.