My Alsatian, Sheeba was stolen on 6 July.
The one-year-old dog had bolted out of the gate. Apparently a man in a black Mercedes picked her up and took her to the Bromhof Vet. The vet phoned me and I told them I could not afford to pay them to retrieve her.
I suggested that they get the man to drop her back in Robinhills as she knew her way home. They said they could not do that, but they would take her to the SPCA and I asked them to do that.
The man then apparently said he would keep my dog and took her home with him. The vet did not take his details and now the children are without their pet. Sheeba is also the self-proclaimed protector of our four-year-old son who misses her terribly.
There is someone out there who knows how to return her. If anyone has seen Sheeba or knows who has stolen her, please contact me on 083-324-9279.