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What influences Polokwane’s voters to vote for a certain party?

Whether it's the ANC, DA, EFF or Action SA, we wanted to know what influences residents' decision to vote for a certain party ahead of the general elections on May 29.

POLOKWANE – As the nation gears up for the much-anticipated general elections on May 29, many will be making an important decision on who will get the coveted ‘X’ on their ballot paper.

Political fever has hit the country and the question arises: What factors truly influence the voting decisions of South Africans?

The Polokwane Observer engaged with the community to find out what influences their decision to vote for a certain party ahead of next month’s elections.

Mambush Koko: I am going to vote because I believe and hope that the party will bring good things for us and I am doing it for the coming generation so that they can freely exercise their rights as long as we will not be under apartheid again.
Ntwanano Siwela: I am looking at the reputation of the leaders of political parties, their values and what they stand for. As the ones steering the ship, their leadership abilities will set the tone for how the country is run. Plus I will be looking whether they have controversies surrounding them.
Rametse Mothwekgwe: Your vote is your voice. That is the influence.
Jana Taylor: Big promises and no action will influence who I vote for. How many parties keep their promises and show it? And how many are just there for the show? This makes it difficult to know who to vote for.
Tshego Tladi: When I see that a certain party is serious about what they do within the community and I start seeing a difference, then I will vote according to that conclusion when I see a change.
Moureen Mahlodi Motsoko: I have registered to vote but the only problem that I have is that this party sometimes disappoints us but I am putting my trust in them because I see that they are intelligent people and they are focused on good things.
Hunadi Kgwete: One that will ensure that the dignity of generations that will come after me are dignified through the delivery of quality services. One that will not only prioritise the distribution of job opportunities and service delivery but will also ensure that people do not rely on government for survival.
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