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Top national award for Hlabi Secondary’s netball players

Competing against more than 2 650 schools, Hlabi Secondary School's triumph is a testament to their dedication, resilience and talent.

POLOKWANE – Hlabi Secondary School’s remarkable achievement took centre stage at the prestigious 2024 SA Sports Awards, where they were crowned the u/19 Developing School Team of the Year for their outstanding performance in the 2023 DStv Schools Netball Challenge (DSNC), representing Limpopo.

This victory marked a historic moment for the school, clinching their first title at the SA Sports Awards. Their journey to success began with their debut in the inaugural DStv Schools Netball Challenge, where they triumphed in the Ubuntu category.

Building on this success, the young netball team returned to the tournament in 2023, securing another title and showcasing their dominance in the competition.

The school hosted a celebratory event to celebrate the achievements of the young athletes.

Principal Emily Mochaki said: “Not all our learners are academically gifted; some are struggling, so the DStv Schools Netball Challenge makes a great impact, especially for those because they have the opportunity to pursue netball as a career. We thank DStv for exposing our learners to this tournament. They are now known countrywide. I believe they will have a brighter future in sport and in life.”

Competing against over 26 500 girls from more than 2 650 schools across all nine provinces, Hlabi Secondary School’s triumph is a testament to their dedication, resilience and talent.

The school extended heartfelt thanks to the Department of Sport, Arts, and Culture, as well as their supportive communities, with special acknowledgment to their coaches Sibusiso and Dimakatso.

The DStv Schools Netball Challenge (DSNC) serves as a crucial platform for discovering future netball stars in South Africa, providing opportunities for talented individuals to shine on the national stage.

Supported by collaborative efforts from South African Schools Netball, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Basic Education, and other key stakeholders, the initiative is dedicated to nurturing and elevating netball talent across the nation.

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