UPDATE on electricity problems in Secunda
Transformer in Van Vollenhoven's switch now broken.

UPDATE at 8.10am on 1 April
Some areas of Secunda are still without power this morning and a transformer in Van Vollenhoven Street’s switch broke this morning.

Regarding another problem, Ms Mariaan Chamberlain, DA councillor, said the substation in the Secunda CBD’s cable was joined yesterday, but the contractor’s specialised equipment picked up another fault on the same cable.
According to Ms Chamberlain the problems are tended to.
UPDATE at 6.30pm on 31 March
Ms Mariaan Chamberlain, DA councillor, said the cables were joint, but another fault was picked up near Proconics this evening.
“The contractors are however working hard to fix the problem.”
The contractors could not say when the power would be restored.
Electricity in the area around Kuscke and Pannevis Streets has been off since this morning.
According to Ms Mariaan Chamberlain, DA councillor, the electrical team was notified and the outage is because of the mini substation near McDonald’s.
“Specialised tools are needed to fix the substation so the minicipality contacted a contractor to help,” said Ms Chamberlain.
She said all work had to be stopped for now however because it is too close to the fuel tanks.
“GMM needs a risk assessment to be done as well as a gas test. Sasol’s assistance is needed.”