Lekwa Clean Up Crew looks back
Your participation in our clean-up events, your willingness to adopt sustainable practices, and your commitment to keeping our community clean have been instrumental in our success.

Lekwa Clean-Up Crew writes:
It is with immense pride and gratitude that we reflect on 2023 and the incredible achievements we have made this year, all thanks to your unwavering commitment.
To our sponsors and donors, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your generous contributions. Your financial support has allowed us to acquire the necessary equipment, tools, and resources to carry out our mission of cleaning and preserving the environment in the Lekwa community.
Your belief in our cause has been instrumental in our success, and we are truly grateful for your continued support. To our dedicated team, we cannot thank you enough for your tireless efforts and unwavering commitment.

Rain or shine, you have shown up with enthusiasm and determination, ready to tackle the challenges that come with cleaning up our community. Your hard work, passion, and dedication have been the driving force behind the success of the Lekwa Clean-Up Crew.
Each and every one of you has made a significant impact, and we are grateful for your selflessness and willingness to make a difference.
To the local businesses and organisations that have partnered with us, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your collaboration and support have allowed us to expand our reach and make an even greater impact in the community.
Through our joint efforts, we have been able to organise larger clean-up events, raise awareness about environmental issues, and inspire others to take action. To the residents of the Lekwa community, we thank you for your trust and support.

Your participation in our clean-up events, your willingness to adopt sustainable practices, and your commitment to keeping our community clean have been instrumental in our success.
Your dedication to preserving the environment for future generations is truly inspiring, and we are honoured to work alongside you.
Together, we have made a tangible difference in the cleanliness and sustainability of our community. We have shown that when stakeholders come together with a shared vision, incredible things can be achieved.
Thank you, once again, for your unwavering support and dedication to the Lekwa Clean-Up Crew. We are deeply grateful for your contributions and look forward to continuing our mission in 2024.