SANBS collects blood in Cullinan for the festive season
Wards 100 and 105 hosted blood drives over two days last week.

Cullinan Diamond Mine hosted the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) on December 7. Ward 100 Clr Johannes Bekker, who is actively involved with both companies, supported the blood drive.
Wards 100 and 105 hosted blood drives over two days last week to assist SANBS in collecting units before the beginning of the festive season.
SANBS aims to collect an average of 3 000 units of blood every day nationally.
It is through planned, sustainable blood drives at companies, organisations and institutions that they are able to achieve this collection target.
Blood drives give donors the opportunity to become involved in making a difference to others in a convenient way.
SANBS offers education on safe lifestyles and the requirements to qualify to be a blood donor. An added benefit is that the donor educator covers important information such as sexually transmitted diseases.
Blood drives are used by many companies as a corporate social investment activity to show that they are actively involved in impacting the lives of South Africans.
Bekker said, “Each blood donation contributes significantly to the country’s health care system. Donating a unit of this precious gift of life saves the lives of those in dire need of blood.
“It is important to donate blood. This will ensure that in cases of emergency quality blood is always available,” said Bekker.
Thousands of patients would die daily if there is insufficient quality blood in stock.
When one donates blood, they give patients a gift money cannot buy or science cannot create, a unit of blood can save up to three lives as blood is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.