This morning I complained to a woman in a Secunda shop about an employee smoking in the bakery cum store room.
My throat began to itch when I inhaled the smoke.
I asked the woman at the till to take notice as it is against the law, they must smoke outside.
She retorted that they cannot go in and out all the time and it is the same as a smoking area in a restaurant.
I pointed out it is not a closed smoking area, not a restaurant and non-smokers inhale the fumes and there is food all around, it is poisonous.
She told me it is more poisonous outside.
In other words, customers may inhale the first-hand smoke, it is healthier than breathing outside!
Is this how you treat your customers?
I was halfway across town and was still coughing.
We do not smoke out of choice, but smokers act selfish and give you no choice but to inhale their smoke.
I also pointed out that the reputation of the business should be her priority.
I am not sure whether she is a manager, the owner or an employee.
Why could she not have said: “I will see to the matter”?
I was stunned!
Disgruntled shopper.