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Wilro Gravel Grinder postponed until further notice

More details regarding a new date for the event will follow in due course, based on communication from government, health organisations and Cycling South Africa.

The exciting 20th annual cycling challenge, the Wilro Gravel Grinder that was scheduled to take place at the Tarlton International Raceway on 19 April, has been postponed.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and President Cyril Ramaphosa banning mass gatherings until 14 April, the organisers of the Gravel came to a decision to postpone the event until further notice.

The organisers assured everybody who had entered the race or who are still interested in entering that it will be rescheduled for later in the year.

More details regarding a new date for the event will follow in due course, based on communication from government, health organisations and Cycling South Africa.

Entries already received will remain valid for the future date, but entrants wanting a refund will be advised of the process in due course.

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