Tyrone Avenue
- A Quaint Village Oasis -
The picturesque Tyrone Avenue is lined with interesting stores.
PARKVIEW – Escape the hustle and bustle of shopping malls and visit Tyrone Avenue for a tranquil, scenic and personal shopping experience.
Most of the businesses on this street have been there for decades and have created a close-knit community.
Each business owner strives to keep their clients as close as family and provide service excellence built on years of experience. Visitors can find pretty much everything they need in Tyrone Avenue.
From high-end skincare clinics to your everyday grocery store. Each storekeeper is welcoming and pleasant and ensures that all patrons have a relaxed shopping experience.
The surrounding businesses and homes have kept a vintage feel but at the same time have grown into sophisticated and modern versions of themselves.
The buildings have evolved with time, yet have kept aspects of the classic buildings they were before. This has resulted in Tyrone Avenue becoming one of the most scenic and modest locales in South Africa. One example of these buildings is Weber House which has been on Tyrone Avenue since the area’s inception and was restored bt Helene Weber Bramwell in 2011 in honour of her late husband GT Weber.
Marian Hester, the chairperson of Parkview Residents Association said, “In an age in which people are increasingly directed to shop in large malls, the experience of a village shopping street is refreshing.
Tyrone Avenue offers nearby residents an impressively wide range of shops, services and amenities, and its somewhat homely, village-like nature (as opposed to a smart, glitzy boutique environment) is dear to many who patronise the area. Several old shop fronts have been retained, and the accessible scale of the shopping precinct is part of its charm and appeal.”