
Michael Mount Grade 8 presents Welcome to the Jungle production

The Grade 8 play is a significant moment within the Waldorf curriculum at Michael Mount and is the culmination of the Grade 8's primary school years as they transition to high school.

One of the Grade 8 classes at Michael Mount Waldorf School presented their production of Welcome to the Jungle.

According to the class teacher Teneil Thompson, it was a captivating tale of adventure, friendship, and family that featured many of the learners’ talents.

“They spent much time preparing for their performances with me, along with support from our music and drama teachers and our dedicated parents, who assisted in building the set, makeup and costume design, directing, catering, and accompanying.”

She added they were also delighted to welcome visitors from their sister Waldorf school, Inkanyezi, who attended the play’s final dress rehearsal. The funds raised by the school’s outreach team contributed to the transport costs of the Inkanyezi learners.
“The Grade 8 play is not just a performance but rather a culmination of years of learning, growth, and creativity together as a class. I am proud to see how these children have developed the invaluable skills of collaboration, communication, and expression in this process.”

Thompson said the play gave learners a unique, exciting opportunity to develop skills, learn to work together and grow.

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