Centre security in the spotlight
SANDTON - Sandton City's security has been placed in the spotlight following a recent allegation by Sandton shopper Lishai Gilhar that the centre's security assaulted him just outside of one of the enclosed parking areas.

Gilhar’s story was recently reported in the Chronicle, week ending 28 June 2013.
He has since expressed his concerns over a promise made to him by the centre’s security management that he would be able to view CCTV footage of the incident. This promise was later withdrawn.
“They did not give me a reason for withdrawing this promise,” he said. “It is vital to have access to this footage to show the truth of what happened. I believe the video footage will clearly illustrate the disproportionate violence that they used on me.”
He said his big concern was that Sandton security would delete the footage, claiming it automatically deleted off their system after ‘x’ time.
Sharon Swain, regional portfolio manager: Sandton City and Nelson Mandela Square, said, “We are unsure as to why the security staff would have promised Lishai this footage as it is against the centre’s policy to release such footage. Based on legal restrictions, CCTV footage can only be released in the following cases: To police investigating officers as part of evidence in a criminal investigation, to attorneys representing a customer/person as part of evidence in a civil litigation or to insurance companies or their assessors during the investigation and assessment of a claim.”
Following the article on Gilhar, shopper Jacqui Thompson wrote to the Chronicle saying someone had recently tried to steal her cellphone from her bag in a store at the centre. “Myself and Edgars security staff caught one of the culprits,” she said. “I called centre management to see if they could help with security camera footage and was told the public was not allowed to see the footage, only the investigating officer from the police, if necessary. I think if the public and the criminal element knew how extensive and effective the CCTV footage was, it would make a difference to them seeing Sandton City as a fertile ground for crime.”
“The mall has one of the widest networks of CCTV cameras in all the shopping centres in South Africa,” said Swain. “Added to this is a backup storage capacity that allows for the storage of footage. Unfortunately, we cannot divulge further detail as it may lead to the compromise of our security measures.”
Readers with security suggestions can share them with centre management at kerry.phillips@liberty.co.za