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Brand new tennis court in Bryanston

Bryanston Sports Club opened their eighth tennis court.

In their effort to enhance the experience of their customers, and cater to varied sporting needs; the Bryanston Sports Club opened their eighth tennis court officially on December 2.

“It’s a brand new tennis court, built by one of the best contractors out there,” said manager Pat Carolin. “It’s a brand-new tennis court, built by one of the best contractors out there.”

The club’s chairperson Ian Snowball explained what happened to the previous eighth tennis court.

“We’re in the process of building five paddle tennis courts; we had to remove one [tennis court in] the area where those are being built, and that lead us to opening up the new court,” Snowball said. “The new court was repositioned and built, and we will be launching paddle in February 2024.”

Paddle, in Snowball’s own words, is the ‘fastest growing sport in the world currently’.

“It’s quite amazing, actually; it’s very similar to the combination of tennis and squash, played outside,” Snowball concluded. “We’ll have five courts, three of them are super panoramic. From a visual point of view, you actually see more of the match.”

Related Article: Bryanston Sports Club hosts fun Wimbledon-themed round-robin tennis tournaments

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