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Officers give tips on how to avoid burglaries

Warrant officer Rama Trevor of the Sandton Police Station continues to share safety tips to keep residents safe.

With crime still being a major problem in the country, especially in Sandton, police officers have advised residents on various safety tips focusing on this specific crime trend.

Burglaries in residential areas have been on the rise since the start of the festive season.

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During one of the crime prevention operations in late December, members of the Sandton Police Station took the time to distribute safety tips for avoiding burglaries to the public:

  • Don’t leave your garage, front or back doors open or partially open. It serves as an invitation to burglars.
  • Only open windows that have quality burglar bars, thereby preventing easy access.
  • Windows left open should not be visible from the street.
  • When purchasing quality items, don’t throw boxes in refuse that show quality name brands, criminals are on the lookout for that. Cut boxes up and seal them in a black plastic bag.
  • Know your neighbours. Suspicious movement can be noted and reported to the SAPS.
  • Have proof of identity of all your employees.

Warrant Officer Rama Trevor added, “Many people gain access to residential areas by tailgating. Ensure that the gate is closed properly before leaving and entering your homes.”

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