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VOXPOP: Here is what the local residents have to say about fairness in the justice system in South Africa

The judicial has an important role in safeguarding and protecting the Constitution and its values and ensuring the consolidation of democracy and the realisation of a better life for all

Residents share their views on whether or not our courts hand down fair sentences and if they feel justice is served

Zamahlubi Nkosi
Zamahlubi Nkosi: In-depth evaluation is needed for a fair sentence – 25 years of imprisonment is not enough, because these days people kill and rape and they know they won’t be spending their life in prison.
Mamello Mabuza
Mamello Mabuza: I feel like the justice system fails us, especially us women in this country. Nowadays people rape and kill, knowing that they’ll be roaming the streets again. The system must upgrade and do better.
Maxwell Mhlanga
Maxwell Mhlanga: I am not sure whether the justice system is fair enough or not. Some cases need serious investigation before imprisoning someone; does that person deserve to be jailed or not?
Kashief Hassien:
Kashief Hassien: People with money tend to get away with everything, and we normal people face the full might of the law. The justice system must be upgraded to do things correctly so that it can be fair for everyone.
Sipho Phiri:
Sipho Phiri: I think sentences must be very tight, especially for murder and rape. The courts must verify everything before giving someone a sentence.
Celal Demir
Celal Demir: The justice system is not fair, and I think they must remove those old corrupt people in big seats and restart over, maybe then South Africa can be a better country.

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