
Puff adder one of two highly venomous local snake species

According to local snake expert Nicolas van der Walt of Access Professional Development, the snake feeds on a variety of prey items, including mice, rats, rabbits, birds, lizards, toads and sometimes even other snakes.

The Puff Adder (bitens arietans) is one of only two highly venomous snakes found in the Vaal Triangle – the other being the Rinkhals
(Hemachatus haemachatus) – and feeds on a massive range of prey items. According to local snake expert Nicolas van der Walt of Access
Professional Development, the snake feeds on a variety of prey items, including mice, rats, rabbits, birds, lizards, toads and sometimes even other snakes. There is a record of a Puff Adder eating a small tortoise, and In captivity, cannibalism has been observed in juveniles. There is a small tortoise, and they have also been observed eating roadkill.
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