
Here we go again, ‘Suffer Sedibeng’ at it once again!

It seems as if Safa Sedibeng didn’t learn from their previous blunders.

SEDIBENG. – Safa Sedibeng, otherwise known as, “Suffer Sedibeng” never stops to amaze us, the regional football mother body has done it once again!

It has become a culture that every season Safa Sedibeng Men’s Regional League ends in controversy or a court battle, to say the least. My point is that Young Pirates FC has taken the regional football mother body to arbitration court after it misinterpreted SAFA rules when they ordered SUBS and Perfect Academy match to be replayed. This is despite the fact that, there was never a protest lodged on the day.

This is not the first time Safa Sedibeng has found themselves in this kind of situation after Safa Sedibeng Hollywood Regional League, formerly SAB League was declared null and void two seasons ago. This was after the teams played the whole season without proper documents. This was the same season when Real Hearts FC were crowned the Safa Sedibeng Regional League overall winners. However, the club was unable to represent Sedibeng at the play-offs because the club’s players were not properly registered in MYSAFA system.

With the situation standing, Safa Sedibeng substituted Real Hearts FC with VUT FC which was the only team with proper documents by then, because they were also participating in the Varsity Football Cup. However, VUT FC played only one game and was stopped from participating further in the promotional play-offs due to the fact that Safa Sedibeng Regional League was declared null avoid.

It seems as if Safa Sedibeng didn’t learn from their previous blunders, and this tells you what kind of football administrators we are exposed to in this region. Zake’s Sports Corner is aware that the local football associations are no functioning including regional office which is Safa Sedibeng.

It is an open secret that people who run our football are just power hungry, they are only concerned with positions. They are happy to rub shoulders with SAFA National office top brass, but they do nothing for local football. It is shame to see local football associations officials all over social media taking selfies with SAFA President Danny Jordaan but there is nothing happening where they come from.

What is happening at the moment with this court battle is the results of people who know nothing about football rules.

The question is, how did we end up here?

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