The rainfall statistics for Scottburgh indicate that the area generally has good rainfall towards the end of autumn, decreasing during winter and then gradually picking up with the arrival of spring.
This year’s rainfall for October was marginally higher than the previous months, with the rain falling mainly in the evenings.
The rainfall during October in Scottburgh is as follows: 1st – 2mm; 7th – 5mm; 16th – 5mm; 21st – 32mm; 22nd – 1,5mm; 24th – 10mm; 26th – 4,5mm; 28th – 10mm; 30th – 8mm; 31st – 18mm.
Total rainfall for October: 96mm.
A comparison of the rainfall figures over the years for October shows the following varying pattern: 2021 – 238mm (one of the wettest Octobers on record); 2020 – 135mm; 2019 – 65,5mm; 2018 – 90mm; 2017 – 153mm (when so-called Hurricane Sifiso hit in the middle of the month).
Scottburgh central
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