The Bag Lady
After last week’s Bag Lady I had two comments about the chewing gum issue.

August winds have been blowing and I’m dreaming of, no not a white Christmas, but an early warm Spring. Yes, yes, I know we’ve had a rather mild winter on the whole but still, I’m a summer child. So fingers crossed the winter is nearly over.
Ann Borcherds said: “I couldn’t agree more about employees chewing gum while dealing with the public. Even worse, yawning and talking at the top of their voices to colleagues around them. I was in a shop one day when the teller I had the misfortune to land up with yawned five times in the short period she rang my items up. After the fifth yawn I couldn’t take anymore and politely informed her that she had yawned in my face five times and I thought it was disgusting. I know we all have our “tired” days but unfortunately when you are dealing with the public yawning in front of people is a “no no” as is chewing gum and shouting. It seems as though training on etiquette has gone out of the window in our modern age which is a great pity.”
Dina says, “While on the topic of chewing gum, how about checking and commenting on the staff in most shops where staff are having huge loud personal conversations and laughing among each other while serving customers. This, I must tell you, annoys me more as we sometimes have to wait for them to finish and give us attention in case we need to ask something. Isn’t there some rules against this especially in chain stores? Like a code of conduct or something putting the customer first?”
What do other readers feel about bad mannered staff?
Is this a reality?
Nakita wrote and said: “I recently had to renew my driver’s licence due to theft. I went to have my photo taken but when I arrived at Langlaagte they did not require it as they are using their own system to capture the photo to be depicted on the card. As you enter the grounds you are swamped by people who want to take your photo. I don’t understand why the public is not informed that it is not necessary to do this anymore. What a waste of time.”
Dress for success
“I wonder if you or any of your readers could assist? We are looking for a dressmaker (yes, I’m sure you haven’t heard that for a while). There doesn’t seem to be any around unless they don’t advertise. Surely there is someone who is inexpensive, reliable and gifted at what they do and looking to make an extra few rand, even if it is a pensioner. Oh I nearly forgot, in the Brackenhurst, Brackendowns area,” asks Karen.
Bouquet of the Week
Isabel gives a bouquet to Mr Price The Glen. “I usually purchase my clothes at Mr Price The Glen, and Rosa, Cynthia and the manager have always been helpful and attentive to me. It’s not the first time I wanted a garment but they did not have my size, but they will go out of their way to get me the garment. I ordered a garment and they looked through their computers and could not find it at any other branch, but to my surprise the Manager left a message on my cell informing that they had found the jacket the colour and size that I had wanted. I had already forgotten about the jacket, that I so much wanted. Their merchandise has a bigger variety and the quality of their clothing and shoes is outstanding. Thanking all the staff at Mr Price, I mostly always see a smile on your faces.”
Try this – Buttered Cabbage
I know with the price of food escalating weekly, fresh vegetables are also becoming pricey. Try this delicious recipe and I promise it isn’t like the watery cooked cabbage some of us will remember from school dinners and it doesn’t cost much at all.
Ingredients – 450g shredded cabbage, salt, 25g butter, freshly ground pepper and pinch of nutmeg.
Put shredded cabbage in a pan with just enough boiling water to cover the base. Season with salt, cover and cook over low heat, shaking occasionally, for about 10 minutes, until tender but still slightly crisp. Do not overcook. Drain in a colander.
Melt the butter in the warm pan, add cooked cabbage and stir well, seasoning with salt, freshly ground pepper and nutmeg. Serve very hot with pork chops, mashed potato, peas and gravy. Yummy!
That’s it for this week. Phone me on 011 724 7000 or e-mail: Shop till you drop.