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Ward councillors thank community and businesses for support

The councillors show their heartfelt appreciate for the support they received.

Councillors Matsobane Sekhu and Tyrell Meyers extended their sincere thanks and appreciation for the support they received from the communities of Wards 125 and 23.

This after it came to the attention of both communities that the City of Johannesburg was planning to relocate the displaced people from the inner city to the Patlynn area, without community consultation.

Sekhu and Meyers said: “It is with regret that some saw this as an opportunity to grandstand and to hijack the community meeting to suit their political narrative, which was dismissed by the community. The convention of the meeting was never intended for that purpose and the community respectfully then called on those grandstanders to leave, which they did failing to hijack the meeting.

MMC for Transport Kenny Kunene addressing the community. He is with Ward 23 councillor Tyrell Meyers. Photo: Lucky Thusi

“The victory belongs to the communities of Wards 125 and 23 and no political party whether they are part of the coalition or not. The community has made it clear that this land will not be occupied, as they have raised valid concerns about the values of their properties, crime and how would the city manage temporary emergency accommodation sues.

“This part of Johannesburg is considered a jewel with a nature reserve we are proud of, beautiful green spaces and hills, where their children can grow up in. The city must in future consider such factors.

“Although we acknowledge that the city is compelled to find land for the displaced people, we will continue to monitor that process in light of the letter and assurances from the Housing Department and the MMCs that the space will not be occupied.”

“Lest we forget to thank businesses that sponsored the community with water during the protest. Once again thank you to the community for making your voices heard. As your elected representatives we stand by you.”

WATCH: Ward 125 residents refuse relocation of displaced people

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