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Thaba Jabula outshines the rest

Thaba Jabula’s matric results outshines other schools in Pimville.

The Thaba Jabula Secondary School’s class of 2013 outshined other schools in Pimville when they beat the odds and achieved 83 percent in their matric exams.

“I am very grateful for what the pupils have achieved and this proves that we can shoot for a 100 percent in 2014.

“What sets us apart is the time we use in class preparing and teaching,” said Kenneth Mphuma the principal of the school.

The promotion of discipline by every teacher pushed the class of 2013 to strive to do more than their predecessors.

“This is the second year that we have achieved such great results and I would attribute these results to the support that the school receives from not only parents but residents in Pimville.

“I would like to thank all matriculants that sacrificed their free time and dedicated that time to their studies.

“Your hard work has produced fruits,” said Matshidiso Mnyanda a parent and a school governing body member.

Sesedima Langa, who achieved seven distinctions, said he was overwhelmed.

“I knew I was going to do well, however I didn’t know that I was going to get such marks,” he said.

Asiphe Jojo, who got three distinctions, said he was excited and knows that this is only a step in the right direction.

“In order to succeed, one has to avoid a normal life and do whatever it takes to convert ones dream into a reality,” Jojo said.

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