Aspiring diplomat seeks sponsorship for prestigious conference
The associated costs she says have presented a financial challenge.

When Hope Mashobane enrolled at University of South Africa (Unisa) for a diploma in Public Relations while concurrently studying towards her private licence, she could have only dreamt where her hunger for education would one day place her.
Today, the Soweto born dynamite who recently graduated from Unisa in October and was also selected as best diplomat is set to jet off to Dubai.
The recent Public Relations graduate is seeking sponsorship to attend the prestigious Best Diplomats Conference in Dubai, next year.
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She was selected as a delegate for the Best Diplomats Conference, which will host candidates from different parts of the world under one roof to address current global challenges.

The conference is scheduled to take place over three days from May 17 to May 21, 2024.
“I have been fascinated by the world of diplomacy and the power of communication to bridge cultural divides and promote global understanding. As a passionate advocate for diplomacy and communication, this opportunity holds immense value for me, presenting a unique platform to engage with diplomats, thought leaders, and experts from around the world.”
According to Mashobane, she managed to secure sponsorship for flights but was still in need of funds to cover the delegate fee of 739 USD (14 000 South African Rands) which includes accommodation and activities. Additional costs for the visa will bring the total sum to R20 000 including the delegate fee.
The associated costs she says have presented a financial challenge.
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“My participation will present a great opportunity to get out there, engage and see how they solve similar global issues,” she explains.

“Equally important for people around me, it will demonstrate the power of education as I come from the township.
“It will encourage them that education is worth it – that even us, from where we come from, can go to these places and be exposed to everything.”
A woman with many skills and expertise beyond PR, she’s also a private pilot, a drone pilot, and currently pursuing her commercial pilot license.
“I believe in grabbing whatever opportunities that present themselves. If it works great, if it doesn’t then it is also good. We learn and move,” she adds.
“I am appealing to organisations that share a commitment to fostering global dialogue and collaboration to assist me in getting to Dubai for this extraordinary opportunity to represent not only my country but Soweto as a whole.”
Prospective sponsors can get in contact with Hope Mashobane via or 083 699 0153