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Locals join hands to celebrate Ancestors Day

Their influence is not confined to the realm of the past but rather an ever-present force that continues to inspire and empower generations.

Woven into the social fabric of African spirituality is a profound reverence for ancestors, those who came before and laid the foundations upon which present generations stand.

Castle Milk Stout and The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) celebrated Ancestors’ Day on Wednesday May 8 at Driefontein.

Not only aligning with Africa Month’s celebration of identity but also representing the infinite eternal bond between Africans and their forebears.

Celebrating Ancestor’s Day, honouring those that came before us.

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Zolani Mkiva, Secretary-General of CONTRALESA said, “Our ancestors are the unshakable foundation upon which we build our present and future.

“Recognising and honouring their enduring wisdom, guidance, and sacrifices is a profoundly unifying sentiment shared by all Africans.”

The significance of Ancestor’s Day reverberates far beyond a single observance. Throughout South Africa, ancestors have long been revered as guardians of tradition, custodians of knowledge and beacons of spiritual brilliance.

Their influence is not confined to the realm of the past but rather an ever-present force that continues to inspire and empower generations.

“Nevertheless, our commitment to preserving this vital aspect of our heritage remains unshaken.

“We will continue advocating as we believe this will be meaningful to our people who practice African Spirituality,” Khwezi Vika, Marketing Manager for Castle Milk Stout said.

It is this rich tapestry, this indomitable spirit that Ancestors’ Day seeks to honour and preserve – a timeless ode to the men and women whose sacrifices paved the way for a future rooted in African pride, resilience, and identity.

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“By commemorating this day, we pay tribute to those who walked before us – the trailblazers who laid the foundation for our rich cultural tapestry and inspired us with the wisdom to forge ahead,” Vika continued.

Celebrating Ancestor’s Day, honouring those that came before us.

In the spirit of this unity, Castle Milk Stout has issued a rallying call to all South Africans to raise their voices in support of the Ancestors’ Day campaign.

By signing the petition at www.castlemilkstout.co.za or joining the flourishing #AncestorsDay conversation on social media, every citizen can play their part in having this day recognised in the national calendar.

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