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Cold can be beautiful

The beauty winter brought to Springs

Spring always brings new life, but winter portrays a beauty of its own.

The force of the cold got to Springs on Monday night with the city experiencing its first below zero temperatures.

According to www.weathersa.co.za the minimum temperature on Tuesday morning was -2 degrees and the daytime high reached only 13 degrees.

This website also forecast a minimum of -4 for yesterday, going up slightly to 1 degree today (Thursday) and into the weekend.

Besides staying indoors, covered in with a blanket with a cup of hot soup, winter also has its unique display of beauty.

An Addie photographer braved Tuesday morning’s cold to discover a winter wonderland in Seventh Street where a garden, where the sprinkler system was left on, was transformed into an icy spectacular.

Anyone who spots beauty like this may email photos to izahnv@caxton.co.za.

Icy branches from the fairy tale-like garden
Icy branches from the fairy tale-like garden


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