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Anonymous donors feed the hungry

The group also donated food parcels to the Chance Children's Home in Dunnottar which houses over 70 vulnerable children.

A group of anonymous donors donated 250 parcels to residents in the Never-Never and Hollywood informal settlements on Saturday morning.

The group also donated food parcels to the Chance Children’s Home in Dunnottar which houses over 70 vulnerable children.

In addition to the food parcels, the group also gave out loaves of bread.

“We don’t do this for the publicity or attention. We want to help our community, but we believe that the left hand mustn’t know what the left hand is doing,” says the donor.

The group were accompanied by the police and various Springs CPFs such as Casseldale and Eastvale.

Springs Police Vispol Commander Col Ramlal and Springs CPF chairman Barend van Heerden thanked the group for their heartfelt gesture.

The group will again be coming back to Springs on Saturday to help out at another informal settlement.

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